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I was at a thing once. An over-night thing somewhere with some people. I don’t really remember what or where or why it was. What I do remember is how I had my breakfast cereal. I don’t remember what kind of cereal it was but for some reason I poured my milk in the bowl before the cereal — something I don’t think I’ve ever done before. I was always a cereal-before-milk kind of guy.
Now somebody at this thing noticed what I had done and pointed it out to me, I really wasn’t paying attention. He said that he had just read that a serial murderer (serial – ironic, I know) always poured his milk in before his cereal. I haven’t done that again since then… and I haven’t killed anybody.
It’s funny how we come to do certain things a certain way, every time… without necessarily knowing why except that we’ve just always done it that way.
Check out the following TED talk on a subject I always considered myself an expert on.. until I watched it. How to tie your shoes. It might change your life.
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