Westwood Shores Resort, Door County, WI |
We're excited about getting away from the cold... of our house to a heated Door County resort! (Still holding out on starting the furnace.)
Teresa is already in her swimsuit though it is 58 degrees in here. We take off as soon as Tracy Lyn gets out of work at the Y.
Well, the best-laid plans o' mice an' men gang aft a gley. And I don't know about how the mice's plans fared, but ours went pretty a gley.
Room 314 |
My mom won a weekend at the Westwood Shores Resort and decided to invite Kai for the weekend and us for some swimming. The plan was to go there to visit and swim and then drive home.
The resort was cleverly hidden but we weren't too clever to find it right away. I don't know about you but being lost with questionable directions isn't much fun.
Card Shark |
We finally make it to the resort and enter my parents suite which is set to 80 degrees. That's a 20 degree difference from what I'm used to at home. This disorientates me into getting skunked in a cribbage match against my dad.
The swimming was a lot of fun and the whirlpool was a nice treat. Everything was going swimmingly. We decided to stay after all on the foldout couch. That was the decision point that in hindsight wasn't the best. I guess that's what happens when you go against your gut.
Swimming |
Night fell and Teresa was much too wound up to sleep. Tracy Lyn was exhausted but could not get comfortable enough to catch any z's. Baby Pumpkin was even stirring about. I tried my best to get Teresa to settle down and behave so at least Tracy Lyn could sleep. I even had to resort to spanking Teresa at which she didn't cry but laughed and spanked her own behind. Sigh.
So I had to make another tough decision point... let's leave now and hopefully we could all get some sleep. At about 2:30 a.m. we were all snuggled in our beds at home sleeping peacefully. A good call.
The moral of the blog entry? Well the obvious one is don't be afraid to drive home from a resort that you didn't plan on staying at but then decided to do so anyway against your gut feeling. Tracy Lyn said staying over night in a foreign bed when you're preggers is not a good idear (I paraphrased that).
Also don't play cribbage in an 80 degree room when you're used to 58.