Tracy Lyn just left for work at St. Catherine's Bookstore. Their door has nothing to worry about today since all the worldly Black Friday sales lure the faithful away. Besides St. Catherine's had a window-buster sale of sorts when a cat burglar busted in earlier this summer. Fortunately no cats were stolen. The window repairman did rejoice.
I think the door-buster sales of Black Friday would appeal to me more if I had any money to spare. I guess my situation makes the window-buster sales seem like the only I could afford, minus the jail time.
What could be more impressive than the widow's mite? How about post-dating a $3 check for the Sunday collection plate? I'm exaggerating a bit... it was $2. And maybe I'm missing the point of the parable.
You know they say that money can't buy you happiness... but it can pay for the search.
With no money to search for happiness via the traditional Black Friday means, I'll take the road less traveled and definitely in need of repair. What am I blessed with that money can't buy.
- Great family and friends. Money could buy friends I guess but not the priceless variety.
- Expecting a baby in April. Having a beautiful little girl and the joys of being her dad.
- Being married to my best friend -- no, not Erik, my other best friend.
- Having a job I love and just having any job in this economy is truly a blessing.
- And, of course, the biggest blessing of all, the grace and Faith from God -- truly priceless.
Oh, and this blog... it was free too.
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